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status update: supercoolnothing

as you may be aware SCN is out of print. slipdisc records went under...

new 16VOLT scratch pre-demo samples

in keeping our fans and friends updated we have uploaded new mp3’s in media...


razorart has launched issue #2 and is back with tons of new content with...

After the Chaos

THAT WAS THE BOMB> show last night was the best show we ever played...

Upcoming 16VOLT SHOW

announcing the first show in almost 2 years and the return of 16VOLT. Monday,...

i really appreciate all the letters and praise for 16volt. it really makes me...

H3llb3nt 2.0

it’s official. looks like the new hellbent will get underway. looks like this installation...

a glitch in my evening

went to see my friends band glitch last night. turned into a very cool...

new host! no more lame ass banners!

new host! no more banners!! thank god. MESSAGE BOARDS ARE UP!!!. i accidently deleted...

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